Data representation in matplotlib P.1 graphs

What are we going to do?

Importing libraries

For this operation we need pandas for parsing and making data tables from html and matplotlib library to plot the information. We also need numpy to manupulate the plots for styling.

In [2]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

Make a dataframe from html

In [3]:
df = pd.read_html("")[16]

We use pandas read_html function to pass a url to scrape the html table from. You can visit the website to view tables. The data we need is in the 16th table so we add [16] at last.

Let's print first 5 rows to see what we got!

In [4]:
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
0 Year DataCards Deaths Injured Missing Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Indirectly Affected Directly affected Relocated Evacuated Losses $USD Losses $Local Education centers Hospitals Damages in crops Ha. Lost Cattle Damages in roads Mts
1 1971 114 311 57 NaN 131 142 860 NaN NaN NaN NaN 861750 2 NaN 500 1335 NaN
2 1972 115 173 88 37 771 86 902 NaN NaN 250 NaN 4709610 1 NaN 397 340 NaN
3 1973 207 214 317 9 1957 160 7846 NaN 114 NaN NaN 3709000 NaN NaN 1404 709 500
4 1974 231 507 725 43 2615 859 19917 NaN NaN 174 NaN 11580753 1 NaN 17347 1431 1045

Cleaning the dataframe

Well you can see in 1st row the unnecessary numbers as heading we want to remove those and replace with the actual headings in 0 row.

In [5]:
df.columns = df.iloc[0]
Year DataCards Deaths Injured Missing Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Indirectly Affected Directly affected Relocated Evacuated Losses $USD Losses $Local Education centers Hospitals Damages in crops Ha. Lost Cattle Damages in roads Mts
0 Year DataCards Deaths Injured Missing Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Indirectly Affected Directly affected Relocated Evacuated Losses $USD Losses $Local Education centers Hospitals Damages in crops Ha. Lost Cattle Damages in roads Mts
1 1971 114 311 57 NaN 131 142 860 NaN NaN NaN NaN 861750 2 NaN 500 1335 NaN
2 1972 115 173 88 37 771 86 902 NaN NaN 250 NaN 4709610 1 NaN 397 340 NaN
3 1973 207 214 317 9 1957 160 7846 NaN 114 NaN NaN 3709000 NaN NaN 1404 709 500
4 1974 231 507 725 43 2615 859 19917 NaN NaN 174 NaN 11580753 1 NaN 17347 1431 1045

Well df.iloc[0] seem to delete original heading and replace 0th row as heading by coping it. Let's remove that 0th row now. Also let us replace all NaN with zero to ease computation and representation.

In [6]:
df = df.reindex(df.index.drop(0))
df = df.fillna('0')
Year DataCards Deaths Injured Missing Houses Destroyed Houses Damaged Indirectly Affected Directly affected Relocated Evacuated Losses $USD Losses $Local Education centers Hospitals Damages in crops Ha. Lost Cattle Damages in roads Mts
1 1971 114 311 57 0 131 142 860 0 0 0 0 861750 2 0 500 1335 0
2 1972 115 173 88 37 771 86 902 0 0 250 0 4709610 1 0 397 340 0
3 1973 207 214 317 9 1957 160 7846 0 114 0 0 3709000 0 0 1404 709 500
4 1974 231 507 725 43 2615 859 19917 0 0 174 0 11580753 1 0 17347 1431 1045
5 1975 145 263 133 38 2051 36 37612 0 0 72 0 6146670 4 0 1292 723 0

Well that's much better!

Preparing Tables to plot

Lets choose to plot the houses damaged and destroyed with respect to years. First we select the respective columns and get its values

In [7]:
house_destroyed = df['Houses Destroyed'].values
house_damaged = df['Houses Damaged'].values
year = df['Year'].values

We now take a look at the values and its datatype for first few sample items.

In [8]:
for value in house_destroyed[:5]:
    print(value, type(value))
131 <class 'str'>
771 <class 'str'>
1957 <class 'str'>
2615 <class 'str'>
2051 <class 'str'>

As we can see they are of python strings datatype but to plot and do calculations they should be in integers because they are numerical data. Lets change their datatype and store them in list through list comprehension!

In [9]:
year_x = [int(i) for i in list(year)]
house_damaged_y = [int(i) for i in list(house_damaged)]
house_destroyed_y = [int(i) for i in list(house_destroyed)]

Ok. We can now pass these to matplotlib to plot a graph finally!

We use plot function in pyplot module of matplotlib which takes x axis and y axis as compulsory parameters. We will plot year in horizontal(x-axis) and house destroyed/damaged in vertical(y-axis).

In [15]:
plt.plot(year_x, house_destroyed_y)
plt.plot(year_x, house_damaged_y)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x2360fedcb70>]

Styling graphs

Adding details

Let us first add a nice title and label and for the graph.

In [17]:
plt.plot(year_x, house_destroyed_y)
plt.plot(year_x, house_damaged_y)

plt.ylabel('No of houses')
plt.xlabel('Year [AD]')
plt.title('Destroyed and damaged houses')
Text(0.5,1,'Destroyed and damaged houses')

That's better. Let us now add a legend!

To add a legend we need to call legend() function. With legend string as params.

In [20]:
plt.legend(['Destroyed houses', 'Damaged houses'])

Notice, the items in the list should be in same order they were plotted in first place. This way can be little daunting when you change the order of plotting. So instead there is second option. We can pass in the label parameter while plotting and just call the legend function without any parameters.

In [21]:
plt.plot(year_x, house_destroyed_y, label='Destroyed houses')
plt.plot(year_x, house_damaged_y, label='Damaged houses')

plt.ylabel('No of houses')
plt.xlabel('Year [AD]')
plt.title('Destroyed and damaged houses')
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x23610385be0>

Adding a grid

Well that's much better. However we can change a lot of things here. First let us add a grid to visualize the boundaries in x and y axis.

In [23]:
plt.plot(year_x, house_destroyed_y, label='Destroyed houses')
plt.plot(year_x, house_damaged_y, label='Damaged houses')

plt.ylabel('No of houses')
plt.xlabel('Year [AD]')
plt.title('Destroyed and damaged houses')


Keeping interval of 1 year and rotating markers

Finally How about fitting all the years in 1 year interval in x-axis? Also let us rotate those years vertically. To modify those we use plt.xticks function.

In [25]:
plt.plot(year_x, house_destroyed_y, label='Destroyed houses')
plt.plot(year_x, house_damaged_y, label='Damaged houses')

plt.ylabel('No of houses')
plt.xlabel('Year [AD]')
plt.title('Destroyed and damaged houses')

plt.xticks(np.arange(min(year_x), max(year_x)+1, 1.0))


Resizing the plot

OOPS!! Well it seems our default graph is too short in width lets increase its size. We get a current size dictionary from rcParams function and then modify it and again pass it to rcParams function to override the default with our size.

In [26]:
fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]
fig_size[0] = 12  # width is 0th item.
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_size

Choosing other prebuilt graph styles

We will plot the graph in a while. Let us now choose a diffrent style for our graph. To get all available styles use

In [28]:

Some of my favorites are ggplot, fivethirtyeight and seaborn ones. Lets use fivethirtyeight this time!

TIP: Use plt.xkcd() for getting graph that looks like drawn by hand.

In [29]:
plt_style = 'fivethirtyeight'

Lets finally plot the graph yet again.

In [31]:
plt.plot(year_x, house_destroyed_y, label='Destroyed houses')
plt.plot(year_x, house_damaged_y, label='Damaged houses')

plt.ylabel('No of houses')
plt.xlabel('Year [AD]')
plt.title('Destroyed and damaged houses')

plt.xticks(np.arange(min(year_x), max(year_x)+1, 1.0))


Yep that's dope!

Changing line styles and size

We can change style and size of lines in graph as well by passing relevant parameters to plot function. Lets change the line style of damaged house to dash like (-----) and width to only 2.

In [12]:
plt.plot(year_x, house_destroyed_y, label='Destroyed houses')
plt.plot(year_x, house_damaged_y, linestyle='--', linewidth=2, label='Damaged houses')

Final Result

In [32]:
plt.plot(year_x, house_destroyed_y, label='Destroyed houses')
plt.plot(year_x, house_damaged_y, linestyle='--', linewidth=2, label='Damaged houses')

plt.ylabel('No of houses')
plt.xlabel('Year [AD]')
plt.title('Destroyed and damaged houses')

# managing intervals in x axis
plt.xticks(np.arange(min(year_x), max(year_x)+1, 1.0))

# increasing dimensions of plot
fig_size = plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"]
fig_size[0] = 12  # width is 0th item.
plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = fig_size

# Using other graph styles
plt_style = 'fivethirtyeight'